MUMBAI: In a unique way to promote a film, Bollywood actors Salman Khan’s bodyguard Shera unveiled the dramatic promo of his upcoming movie ‘Bodyguard’.
An emotional Shera, dressed as a bodyguard said he had been working for Khan for the last 15 years and found him acting as a real life bodyguard for his friends and.......
After unveiling of the promo, Khan and Kareena Kapoor joined the event. Khan said that he trusted Shera completely and the film was dedicated to him.
An emotional Shera, dressed as a bodyguard said he had been working for Khan for the last 15 years and found him acting as a real life bodyguard for his friends and.......
After unveiling of the promo, Khan and Kareena Kapoor joined the event. Khan said that he trusted Shera completely and the film was dedicated to him.